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Amethyst Golem

Health Points
Armor Points
Attack Strength
Projectile Damage
Spawn Amethyst Geode
Drops 0 - 2 Amethyst Shard
Behavior Hostile


The Amethyst Golem harbors disdain for the human race due to their predominant focus on personal gain, disregarding the deeper significance of their actions. They extract amethysts from the earth, leaving behind a desolate void devoid of warmth and compassion.


The Amethyst Golem exhibits hostility and poses a threat both from a distance and up close. It will actively pursue and chase after its targets.

  • Range: Aim is not very precise, but it can still cause harm by throwing amethyst shards at players, inflicting 7 points of damage.
  • Melee: Delivers powerful strikes with its swinging arms, capable of dealing 8 points of damage.

Last update: 2023-11-28