Feather Falling Trample
"feather_falling_trample": true,
// default: true,
Enderman Particles
"enderman_particles": true,
// default: true,

When Enderman teleport they leave a particle tracer in the direction they teleported to.
Polar Star
"polar_star": true,
// default: true,

The polar star always points north.
Other Stars
"other_stars": true,
// default: true,
The other stars are only visible through the spyglass.
Custom Item Name Non Despawn
"custom_item_name_non_despawn": true,
// default: true,
Evoker Use Totem Chance
"evoker_use_totem_chance": 0.1,
// default: 0.1,
// 0.1 = 10% chance
Not Look at Invisible
"not_look_at_invisible": true,
// default: true,
Chainmail Spike Protection
"chainmail_spike_protection": true,
// default: true,
Charged Creeper Spawn Chance
"charged_creeper_spawn_chance": 0.005,
// default: 0.005,
// 0.005 = 0,5% chance
Creeper on Fire
"creeper_on_fire": true,
// default: true,
Fast Oxidization
"fast_oxidization": true,
// default: true,
Spectral Arrow Light
"spectral_arrow_light": true,
// default: true,
When spectral arrows hit a block they provide a moderate light source.
Iron Golem Repair Friendly
"iron_golem_repair_friendly": true,
// default: true,
Skeleton Bow Damaged
"skeleton_bow_damaged": true,
// default: true,
Break Skeleton Bow Chance
"break_skeleton_bow_chance": 0.005,
// default: 0.005,
// 0.005 = 0,5% chance
Path Block Speed Boost
"path_block_speed_boost": 0.03,
// default: 0.03,
Disable Elytra on Damage Time
"disable_elytra_on_damage_time": 40,
// in ticks: 20 = 1 second
Disable Elytra Underwater
"disable_elytra_underwater": true,
// default: false,
Husk Drops Sand
"husk_drops_sand": true,
// default: true,
Trident Buried Treasure
"trident_buried_treasure": true,
// default: true,
Villager Sleeping Eyes
"villager_sleeping_eyes": true,
// default: true,
Villager Needs Space
"villager_needs_space": true,
// default: true,
Max Iron Golem Villager Spawn
"max_iron_golem_villager_spawn": 0,
// default: 0,
// 0 = disabled
Path Block under Gates
"path_block_under_gates": true,
// default: true,
Shovel Undo Farmland
"shovel_undo_farmland": true,
// default: true,
Beacon Shield Pattern
"beacon_shield_pattern": true,
// default: true,
Put a Banner on top of a beacon to prevent players from getting effects if they don't wear a shield with the same banner pattern.
Max Spawner Count
"max_spawner_count": 0,
// default: 0,
// 0 = disabled
Spawner Tick Deactivation
"spawner_tick_deactivation": 0,
// default: 0,
// 0 = disabled
Bottle Air Amount
"botte_air_amount": 90,
// default: 90,
// 90 = 3 bubbles
// 0 = disabled
Flame Arrow Burn
"flame_arrow_burn": true,
// default: true,
Magma Cube Fire Ticks
"magma_cube_fire_ticks": 20,
// default: 20,
// in ticks: 20 = 1 second
Shield Blocking Cooldown
"shield_blocking_cooldown": 60,
// default: 60,
// in ticks: 20 = 1 second
Heal Passive Entity Over Time Ticks
"heal_passive_entity_over_time_ticks": 1200,
// default: 1200,
// in ticks: 20 = every 1 second + 2hp
// 1200 = every 60 seconds + 2hp
Change Slot Highlight
"change_slot_highlight": true,
// default: false,
Fletching Table Use
"fletching_table_use": true,
// default: true,
"show_nbt_tooltip": true,
// default: false,
Repair Trident
"repair_trident": true,
// default: true,
Show Jukebox Disc
"show_jukebox_disc": true,
// default: true,
Snow under Trees
"snow_under_trees": true,
// default: true,
Spawn Not on Leaves
"spawn_not_on_leaves": true,
// default: true,
Campfire Rain Extinguish
"campfire_rain_extinguish": 20,
// default: 20,
// Minimum time in ticks during rain + nextInt(this)
Strays Affected by Daylight
"strays_affected_by_daylight": false,
// default: false,
// false = strays won't burn during daytime/daylight in cold biomes
Start Riding Fall Damage
"start_riding_fall_damage": true,
// default: true,
Boat Fall Damage Nerf
"boat_fall_damage_nerf": true,
// default: true,
Sneak Through Berries
"sneak_through_berries": true,
// default: true,
Phantom Tick Time
"phantom_tick_time": 72000,
// default: 72000,
Passive Entity Modifications
"passive_entity_modifications": true,
// default: false,
"passiveEntityConfig": {
"baby_to_adult_time": -24000,
// in ticks: 20 = 1 second
// default: -24000,
"passive_age_calculation": 24000,
// PassiveAgeTime : this = Age
// default: 24000,
"passive_max_age": 3
// Baby = Age 0
// default: 3