Dragon Hoe
ID | |
Rarity | Common |
Durability | 2479 |
Renewable | No |
Stackable | No |
Attack Damage | |
Attack Speed | |
Attack Range | 2.5 |

A dragon hoe is a late game tool used to harvest sculk blocks and many organic blocks more quickly, as well as to till most types of dirt into farmland and convert coarse dirt and rooted dirt to regular dirt.1 It is immune to fire and lava when dropped as an item.
Hoes are used to harvest certain plant-based or organic blocks more quickly. Breaking one of these blocks takes 1 durability.1
Hoes are used to turn dirt, grass blocks, and dirt paths into farmland. To till, use right click on a grass or dirt block while holding a hoe. This does not work on mycelium or podzol, nor does it work if there are other blocks on top of the targeted blocks, including snow layers or torches. However, mycelium and podzol can be first converted to dirt paths with a shovel, then tilled into farmland with a hoe.1
Hoes can be used to convert coarse dirt into regular dirt by using right click on the coarse dirt. Similar to tilling dirt, the space above the coarse dirt must be empty for it to be tilled.
Hoes can also be used on rooted dirt, which turns it into normal dirt, and yields a hanging roots item.1
Tilling is effectively instantaneous, regardless of material, and uses 1 durability. Breaking blocks with a hoe uses 0 or 1 durability, depending on the block.1
Hoes are unable to work on blocks with a plant on top, even if that plant could normally be placed on top of farmland without reverting it to dirt.1