Dragon Anvil
ID | |
Renewable | Yes |
Stackable | Yes (64) |
Blast Resistance | 1200 |
Hardness | 5 |
Luminous | No |
Transparent | No |
Waterloggable | No |
Flammable | No |

A dragon anvil is like the vanilla anvil a gravity-affected utility block used to rename items, combine enchantments and repair items without losing the enchantments. A dragon anvil has no limited durability.
Dragon anvils can be mined using any pickaxe. If mined without a pickaxe, they drop nothing.
The dragon anvil works like the vanilla anvil but does not have a level limit for enchanting. It will cap the experience cost for enchanting an item to 30 experience.
As with the grindstone, a player may repair items by combining two similar items. With the dragon anvil, however, the target retains its enchantments and may gain new ones from the sacrificed items. Alternatively, a player can use materials originally required in the crafting of the item (iron ingots for iron items with durability, diamonds for diamond items with durability) to repair a single item. One material can repair 25% of the target's maximum durability. This is a good deal in the case of a chestplate, for example; a full repair (four materials) would total only half of the item's original cost (eight materials). In the case of tools and weapons, however, this may be a significantly less economical option; combining two diamond shovels would cost two diamonds in total, while up to four diamonds could be required to directly repair one. Still, it may be worth making the more expensive upgrade if the enchantments are considered difficult to obtain. If the items are unable to be combined, a red "X" appears over the arrow pointing to the slot of the resulting item. Also, if the target item is at full durability and the sacrifice does not have any enchantments, the dragon anvil also refuses to combine the items, unless if renaming the item to a valid name.
In addition, the player can rename any item – not just items with durability – by using a dragon anvil.